西元2025年一月小編行事曆/借勢營銷日曆/行銷日曆 | 藍眼知識庫 | Surveillance, camera, surveillance system, IP camera, PTZ camera, full-featured camera, IoT, monitor - BlueEyes Technology Group






魔羯座(Capricorn) 12/22 - 1/19
水瓶座(Aquarius) 1/20 - 2/18




小寒 1/6
大寒 1/20


Lunar New Year (9 days) 1/25-2/2


大學學科能力測驗(學測) 1/20-1/22


1/1 New Year's Day

1/8 Laba Festival 8th day of the 12th lunar month

The most well-known custom of this day is drinking Laba porridge, which is made from a variety of grains and beans, symbolizing a bountiful harvest and good fortune. Additionally, Laba Festival is related to Buddhism, as it is considered the day the Buddha attained enlightenment. Many Buddhist temples distribute Laba porridge to devotees on this day. The origins of Laba are associated with ancestor worship and harvest prayers, which, over time, became intertwined with Buddhist culture to form today's customs.

1/14 Diary Day

Spend New Year's Eve together! Under the fireworks, make a wish for the new year! On January 14, don't forget "Diary Day"! Take this opportunity to exchange diaries that can record the entire year's love stories, symbolizing a year of shared memories and experiences.

1/21 International Hug Day

Encourages everyone to give each other hugs on this day, spreading love and care.

1/24 International Day of Education

1/26 International Customs Day

1/26 World Leprosy Day Last Sunday of January

This day aims to raise awareness about leprosy and eliminate discrimination against people affected by it. It was initiated by French philanthropist Raoul Follereau in 1954 and is commemorated worldwide.

1/27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Commemorates the lives lost during the Nazi Holocaust and raises awareness about anti-Semitism and racism.

  1/28 Chinese New Year's Eve  

  1/29 Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)  

Do not use brooms, as it may sweep away good luck and wealth. If cleaning is necessary, sweep inward from outside. Avoid taking out the trash or pouring water outside, which symbolizes the same meaning. Firecrackers are set off to scare away the "Nian" beast, ensuring peace and adding festive atmosphere. People visit relatives and friends to celebrate the new year, called "Walking in Spring". Many will visit temples early in the morning, hoping to light the first incense for divine blessings in the new year.

1/30 Second Day of Lunar New Year

Married daughters return to their parents' homes with their husbands, so this day is called "Welcoming the Son-in-law Day." The daughter must bring gifts and red envelopes to share with the children at her parents' house. The return gifts should be in even numbers, symbolizing good fortune.

1/31 Third Day of Lunar New Year

This day is known as "Chikou Day" or "Red Mouth Day", associated with an angry god, bringing bad luck. As a result, it is traditionally a day for staying home and resting.






Lunar January

1st day of Lunar New Year Spring Festival, New Year's Day, Celebrating the New Year, Taoist Festival, Birth of Yuan Shi Tian Zun (Maitreya Buddha) One of the Four Major Traditional Festivals
4th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the Gods Kitchen God
5th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the God of Wealth, Reopening Businesses God of Wealth (Earth God)
9th day of Lunar New Year Heavenly Lord's Birthday, Jade Emperor's Birthday Jade Emperor
14th to 15th day of Lunar New Year Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival in Tainan
15th day of Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, Shangyuan Festival, Birthday of Tianguan Dadi (Yao), Celebrations in Taitung and Pingxi Sanjie Gong
20th day of Lunar New Year Tian Chuan Day, Hakka National Day

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