西元2025年小編行事曆/借勢營銷日曆/行銷日曆 | 藍眼知識庫 | Surveillance, camera, surveillance system, IP camera, PTZ camera, full-featured camera, IoT, monitor - BlueEyes Technology Group

2025年 小編行事曆



藍眼科技社群行銷團隊已經將 2025 年 1-12 月的思考方向與話題重點、星座話題、節慶議題都列好了,其中也包括2025年重要的國定假日時間、節氣、台灣美食旅遊或民生消費活動,按照月份排列,無論是跟風或創造議題都非常好用。這份行事曆非常珍貴,你一定要趕快存下來。







魔羯座(Capricorn) 12/22 - 1/19
水瓶座(Aquarius) 1/20 - 2/18




小寒 1/6
大寒 1/20


Lunar New Year (9 days) 1/25-2/2


大學學科能力測驗(學測) 1/20-1/22


1/1 New Year's Day

1/8 Laba Festival 8th day of the 12th lunar month

The most well-known custom of this day is drinking Laba porridge, which is made from a variety of grains and beans, symbolizing a bountiful harvest and good fortune. Additionally, Laba Festival is related to Buddhism, as it is considered the day the Buddha attained enlightenment. Many Buddhist temples distribute Laba porridge to devotees on this day. The origins of Laba are associated with ancestor worship and harvest prayers, which, over time, became intertwined with Buddhist culture to form today's customs.

1/14 Diary Day

Spend New Year's Eve together! Under the fireworks, make a wish for the new year! On January 14, don't forget "Diary Day"! Take this opportunity to exchange diaries that can record the entire year's love stories, symbolizing a year of shared memories and experiences.

1/21 International Hug Day

Encourages everyone to give each other hugs on this day, spreading love and care.

1/24 International Day of Education

1/26 International Customs Day

1/26 World Leprosy Day Last Sunday of January

This day aims to raise awareness about leprosy and eliminate discrimination against people affected by it. It was initiated by French philanthropist Raoul Follereau in 1954 and is commemorated worldwide.

1/27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Commemorates the lives lost during the Nazi Holocaust and raises awareness about anti-Semitism and racism.

  1/28 Chinese New Year's Eve  

  1/29 Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)  

Do not use brooms, as it may sweep away good luck and wealth. If cleaning is necessary, sweep inward from outside. Avoid taking out the trash or pouring water outside, which symbolizes the same meaning. Firecrackers are set off to scare away the "Nian" beast, ensuring peace and adding festive atmosphere. People visit relatives and friends to celebrate the new year, called "Walking in Spring". Many will visit temples early in the morning, hoping to light the first incense for divine blessings in the new year.

1/30 Second Day of Lunar New Year

Married daughters return to their parents' homes with their husbands, so this day is called "Welcoming the Son-in-law Day." The daughter must bring gifts and red envelopes to share with the children at her parents' house. The return gifts should be in even numbers, symbolizing good fortune.

1/31 Third Day of Lunar New Year

This day is known as "Chikou Day" or "Red Mouth Day", associated with an angry god, bringing bad luck. As a result, it is traditionally a day for staying home and resting.






Lunar January

1st day of Lunar New Year Spring Festival, New Year's Day, Celebrating the New Year, Taoist Festival, Birth of Yuan Shi Tian Zun (Maitreya Buddha) One of the Four Major Traditional Festivals
4th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the Gods Kitchen God
5th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the God of Wealth, Reopening Businesses God of Wealth (Earth God)
9th day of Lunar New Year Heavenly Lord's Birthday, Jade Emperor's Birthday Jade Emperor
14th to 15th day of Lunar New Year Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival in Tainan
15th day of Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, Shangyuan Festival, Birthday of Tianguan Dadi (Yao), Celebrations in Taitung and Pingxi Sanjie Gong
20th day of Lunar New Year Tian Chuan Day, Hakka National Day






水瓶座(Aquarius) 1/20 - 2/18
雙魚座(Pisces) 2/19 - 3/20




立春 2/4
雨水 2/19


Peace Memorial Day (3 days) 2/28-3/2


Make-up workday for flexible Chinese New Year holiday 2/8


2/1 Fourth Day of Lunar New Year

This day is dedicated to welcoming the gods back to earth, praying for peace and good fortune in the coming year.

2/2 Fifth Day of Lunar New Year

The "Breaking of the Fifth Day" marks the end of many taboos from the New Year celebrations. The main activity is sweeping out poverty by cleaning the house. It is also believed to be the birthday of the God of Wealth, and some people believe that worshiping the God of Wealth on this day brings more fortune, which is why many businesses choose this day to reopen.

2/2 World Wetlands Day

2/3 Sixth Day of Lunar New Year

According to the ancient text "Wenzongbeiwen", during the reign of Zhuanxu, a poor child was born in the palace. When he died on the last day of the first lunar month, he was buried and called "Sending the Poor Child". This tradition of "Sending Poverty Away" continues today on the sixth day of the New Year. It is also a day for fertilizing the fields as it marks the start of spring farming for rural communities.

2/4 World Cancer Day

Founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) in 2000, this day aims to raise global awareness about cancer and promote prevention, early detection, and treatment. Events around the world focus on cancer prevention and supporting patients and their families.

2/4 Seventh Day of Lunar New Year

"Human Day", also known as the Day of People, symbolizes the creation of humans. According to ancient records, the sequence of creation began with "First the chicken, second the dog, third the pig, fourth the sheep, fifth the cow, sixth the horse, and seventh the human". If the weather is good on this day, it is believed to predict health and safety for the year. If it rains, it is a sign of illness and plague. Many activities are avoided on this day, especially long-distance travel.

2/5 Ninth Day of Lunar New Year

This is the birthday of the Jade Emperor, also known as "Heavenly Grandfather’s Birthday". People celebrate by lighting firecrackers at midnight and holding ceremonies at temples dedicated to the Jade Emperor to pray for peace and good fortune in the new year.

2/6 Tenth Day of Lunar New Year

The day after "Heavenly Grandfather’s Birthday", families gather to enjoy the leftover food from the birthday feast. This day is called "Tenth Day Feast".

2/7 International Day of Solidarity with South Africa

2/10 World Meteorological Day

  2/12 Lantern Festival   Lunar 15th Day  

The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Lunar New Year celebrations, symbolizing family reunions and the start of spring. People enjoy lantern displays, eat glutinous rice balls, and participate in various festivities.

2/13 World Radio Day

  2/14 Valentine's Day  

2/21 Day of Struggle against Colonialism

2/21 International Mother Language Day

2/22 Ninja Day

On Japan’s Ninja Day, many people dress as ninjas and participate in related events and competitions.

2/22 Cat Day (猫の日), Love for Cats Day

2/22 Sweet Potato Day

  2/28 Peace Memorial Day  






Lunar February

2nd day of the 2nd month Dragon Head Festival, Spring Dragon Festival
15th day of the 2nd month Flower Festival






雙魚座(Pisces) 2/19 - 3/20
牡羊座(Aries) 3/21 - 4/19




驚蟄 3/5
春分 3/20


3/1 International Seal Day

3/2 Dragon Heads-raising Day Every Year on Lunar 2nd Month, 2nd Day

The Dragon Heads-raising Festival, also known as "Dragon Heads-raising" or "Spring Dragon Festival", symbolizes the start of spring. The dragon raising its head signifies the revival of nature and the start of agricultural activities. It is believed that dragons control rainfall, and farmers hold ceremonies to pray for good weather and harvest. Traditional customs include haircuts and eating "dragon food" (e.g., pancakes or noodles) to bring good luck for the year.

3/3 World Hearing Day

  3/8 International Women's Day/Girls' Day/Queen's Day/Goddess Day  

3/12 Arbor Day

  3/14 White Day  

Originating in Japan, White Day is when men return gifts to girls who gave them chocolates or presents on Valentine’s Day (2/14). Of course, many new couples are formed on this day. Single people walking through the streets might feel a bit envious of the romantic atmosphere!

3/14 International Police Day

3/14 Pi Day

Named after the mathematical constant "π" (3.14), Pi Day celebrates math and science. There’s also a tradition of eating pies, as the pronunciation is similar.

3/14 Einstein's Birthday

3/15 World Sleep Day

3/15 World Consumer Rights Day

3/17 World Maritime Day

3/20 International Day of Happiness

Established by the United Nations, this day aims to promote the importance of happiness and sustainable development worldwide.

3/21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

3/21 International Day of Forests

3/21 World Song Day

3/22 World Water Day

3/23 World Meteorological Day

3/26 Make Your Own Holiday Day

This day encourages people to create their own unique holidays, no matter how whimsical.

3/24 World Tuberculosis Day

Raises global awareness about tuberculosis and promotes its prevention and treatment.

  3/29 Youth Day  

3/31 Easter






Lunar March

3rd day of the 3rd month Shangsi Festival, Small Qingming
23rd day of the 3rd month Mazu’s Birthday Mazu






牡羊座(Aries) 3/21 - 4/19
金牛座(Taurus) 4/20 - 5/20




清明 4/4
穀雨 4/19


Children’s Day & Tomb-Sweeping Day (4 days) 4/3-4/6


四技二專統一入學測驗(統測) 4/27-4/28


  4/1 April Fool's Day  

4/2 World Autism Awareness Day

Raises global awareness of autism spectrum disorders and promotes early intervention and treatment.

  4/4 Children's Day  

  4/4 Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Festival)  

4/7 World Health Day

4/13-4/15 Songkran Festival (Thailand)

4/14 Black Day

Black Day is a singles' celebration day. If you didn't receive any gifts on 2/14, you can gather with others on this day for support and fun. It is a day for people to indulge in a 100% black-themed world by wearing black clothes, eating black food, or drinking bitter black coffee. In South Korea, singles wear black and eat black bean noodles to symbolize that single life can still be enjoyed.

4/20 UN Chinese Language Day

4/21 World Creativity and Innovation Day

4/22 Earth Day

4/22 World Legal Day

4/23 World Book and Copyright Day

4/23 UN English Language Day

4/24 Asia-Africa Journalists Day

4/24 World Youth Against Colonialism Day

4/24 Secretaries' Day Last Wednesday of April

4/26 World Intellectual Property Day

4/30 International Jazz Day

4/30 International Spank Out Day






Lunar April

8th day of the 4th month Buddha’s Birthday, Bathing of the Buddha Festival Buddha






金牛座(Taurus) 4/20 - 5/20
雙子座(Gemini) 5/21 - 6/21




立夏 5/5
小滿 5/20


Dragon Boat Festival (3 days) 5/30-6/1


國中教育會考 5/18-5/19


5/1 Start of Income Tax Filing

  5/1 Labor Day  

5/3 World Press Freedom Day

Raises awareness about press freedom and the protection of journalists.

5/4 May Fourth Youth Day

5/4 Star Wars Day

Celebrated by fans due to the phrase "May the Fourth" sounding like "May the Force be with you" from the Star Wars series.

5/7 World Asthma Day First Tuesday of May

5/8 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

5/11 World Migratory Bird Day Second Saturday of May

5/12 International Nurses Day

  5/12 Mother's Day   Second Sunday of May  

5/14 Yellow and Rose Day

In addition to Mother's Day, May 14 is "Yellow and Rose Day." If your romantic life hasn’t blossomed, wear yellow or eat yellow curry on this day to show you're still available. May is also when roses bloom, so many couples use this day for outdoor trips, earning it the nickname "Rose Day."

5/15 International Day of Families

5/17 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

5/17 International Day Against Homophobia

5/18 International Museum Day

5/23 World Turtle Day

5/26 World Challenge Day

5/29 International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Recognizes the contributions of UN peacekeeping personnel.

5/31 World No Tobacco Day / World No-Smoking Day

  5/31 Dragon Boat Festival Fifth day of the fifth lunar month  

Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Duanwu Festival. Traditions include dragon boat races, eating rice dumplings, and hanging mugwort to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. This day celebrates family togetherness and carries meanings of blessing, avoiding illness, and honoring ancestors.






Lunar May

5th day of the 5th month Dragon Boat Festival, Water Immortal King (Qu Yuan) One of the Four Major Traditional Festivals






雙子座(Gemini) 5/21 - 6/21
巨蟹座(Cancer) 6/22 - 7/22




芒種 6/5
夏至 6/21


6/1 International Children's Day, World Milk Day

6/5 World Environment Day

6/8 World Oceans Day

6/14 Kiss Day

Every girl dreams of being a June bride, and June is a romantic season! For couples, June 14 is an important day. On this day, don’t be shy—express your love through a kiss!

6/15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Raises awareness about elder abuse and promotes measures to protect the elderly.

6/16 World Sea Turtle Day

6/17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

6/18 International Picnic Day

Encourages everyone to go outside and enjoy a picnic, relishing food and nature’s beauty.

6/20 World Refugee Day

6/23 International Olympic Day

6/26 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, World Charter Day

6/29 International Day of the Tropics

6/29 World Pop Music Day

This day celebrates global pop music, with people enjoying and sharing music from around the world.

6/30 World Youth Festival Day






Lunar June






巨蟹座(Cancer) 6/22 - 7/22
獅子座(Leo) 7/23 - 8/22




小暑 7/6
大暑 7/22


大學指定科目考試(指考) 7/12-7/13


7/1 International Architecture Day

7/4 Independence Day (USA)

7/6 International Kissing Day

A day dedicated to kissing, emphasizing the expression of love and care through kisses.

7/6 International Day of Cooperatives The first Saturday of July

Aimed at promoting the development of cooperatives and fostering international cooperation.

7/14 Silver Day

July 14 is celebrated as Silver Day! On this day, couples exchange silver gifts and jewelry. It is also a day to introduce your loved one to your family or respected elders. In Korea, it is customary for these "elders" to pay for all expenses on this day.

7/24 International Joke Day

On this day, people around the world share and enjoy their favorite jokes. This day’s origin traces back to the early 20th century when people started using jokes to add fun to their daily lives.

7/26 Esperanto Day

7/28 World Hepatitis Day

7/30 African Women’s Day

7/30 International Friendship Day

7/30 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Raises awareness of human trafficking and pushes for global action to combat human trafficking.






Lunar July

1st day of the 7th month Opening of the Ghost Gate Good Brothers (Ghosts)
7th day of the 7th month Qixi Festival, Birth of the Seven Sisters Cowherd and Weaver Girl
15th day of the 7th month Zhongyuan Festival, Ghost Festival Good Brothers
20th day of the 7th month National Yimin Festival Yimin Ye
22nd day of the 7th month God of Wealth Festival
30th day of the 7th month Closing of the Ghost Gate, Thanking the Lamps Ceremony Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva






獅子座(Leo) 7/23 - 8/22
處女座(Virgo) 8/23 - 9/22




立秋 8/7
處暑 8/22


8/23 Opening of the Ghost Gate Chinese Lunar July 1st

8/6 International Film Festival

8/8 World Cat Day

Cat lovers take special care and celebrate their beloved cats on this day.

  8/8 Father’s Day  

  8/10 Qixi Valentine’s Day Chinese Lunar July 7th  

8/12 International Youth Day

8/13 International Left-Handers Day

8/14 Green Day

Under the summer sun and warm beaches, love blossoms! Can’t stand the heat? Couples can enjoy a refreshing trip to the forest to soak in the beauty of nature’s green world.

8/16 International Homeless Animals Day The third Saturday of August

This day was initiated by the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) in 1992 to raise awareness about the plight of homeless animals, promote pet adoption, and improve animal welfare. Events are held worldwide to encourage public support for animal rescue and adoption initiatives.

8/19 World Humanitarian Day

8/25 Grandparents Day The fourth Sunday of August

Grandparents Day, held close to Qixi, symbolizes the love and care of the elders. Families typically hold gatherings to express gratitude and appreciation for grandparents.






Lunar August

15th day of the 8th month Mid-Autumn Festival, Moon Festival Moon Goddess, Earth God, Ancestors One of the Four Major Traditional Festivals






處女座(Virgo) 8/23 - 9/22
天秤座(Libra) 9/23 - 10/23




白露 9/7
秋分 9/22


9/1 Taiwan Journalists Day

9/3 Armed Forces Day

9/5 International Charity Day

  9/6 Zhongyuan Festival / Obon Festival Lunar July 15th  

9/8 International Journalists Day

9/8 International Literacy Day

9/11 9/11 Memorial Day (USA)

9/13 Programmer’s Day

9/14 Music and Photo Valentine’s Day

As the autumn leaves start to fall, your love begins to bloom! On 9/14, introduce your loved one to friends and coworkers. This day typically features large social gatherings, giving singles the chance to meet potential partners.

9/19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Encourages everyone to speak in pirate lingo and dress like pirates for a fun-filled day.

9/21 World Cleanup Day

  9/21 Ghost Gate Closing Lunar End of July  

9/16 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

9/21 921 Earthquake Memorial Day & International Day of Peace

9/22 International Day of the Deaf The fourth Sunday of September

9/23 International Day of Sign Languages

Promotes global respect for sign language culture and advocates for the rights of the deaf.

9/27 World Tourism Day

  9/28 Teachers’ Day (Confucius’ Birthday)  

9/29 World Heart Day The last Sunday of September

9/29 World Maritime Day The last Sunday of September






Lunar September

9th day of the 9th month Double Ninth Festival Ancestors






天秤座(Libra) 9/23 - 10/23
天蠍座(Scorpio) 10/24 - 11/22




寒露 10/8
霜降 10/23


Mid-Autumn Festival (3 days) 10/4-10/6
Double Tenth National Day (3 days) 10/10-10/12


10/1 International Music Day, International Coffee Day, International Day of Older Persons

10/4 World Animal Day

10/4 World Smile Day The first Friday of October

10/5 World Teachers’ Day

10/6 World Habitat Day The first Monday of October

Also known as World Habitat Day, this day is held every year on the first Monday of October. It was established by the United Nations in 1985 to reflect on the state of human settlements and raise awareness about the right to adequate housing for all.

  10/6 Mid-Autumn Festival Lunar August 15  

Common activities on this day include family reunions, eating mooncakes, moon-gazing, and lighting lanterns, symbolizing harmony and unity.

10/9 World Sight Day The second Thursday of October

Aims to raise global awareness about eye health and preventable blindness. Various activities are held to focus attention on global vision problems and promote eye care.

10/9 World Post Day Universal Postal Union Day

  10/10 National Day  

10/10 World Mental Health Day, World Homeless Day

10/10 World Porridge Day

Celebrates a traditional Scottish dish "porridge" and raises funds for children in impoverished countries through porridge consumption.

10/11 International Day of the Girl, Taiwan Girls’ Day, International Day of the Girl Child

10/13 International Day for Disaster Reduction

Established by the UN in 1989, it aims to raise awareness about disaster risks and encourages nations to take action to minimize disaster impacts. The day promotes disaster preparedness and resilience.

10/13 World Health Day

10/14 Wine Day

Enjoy a romantic time with your loved one by sipping wine and celebrating the poetic autumn season. Consider going out for dinner with a good atmosphere, discussing future plans and goals to deepen your bond.

10/14 World Standards Day

10/15 Global Handwashing Day

Promotes good hygiene habits, especially during pandemics or outbreaks.

10/15 International White Cane Day

10/16 World Food Day

10/17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

10/20 World Statistics Day

Established by the United Nations to highlight the importance of statistics in national development and decision-making.

10/22 World Traditional Medicine Day

10/24 United Nations Day, World Development Information Day

  10/31 Halloween  

Halloween originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals and evolved into a holiday filled with spooky legends and horror elements. On Halloween, people dress up as various characters for parties, and children wear costumes for 'Trick-or-Treating.' Jack-o'-lanterns, often carved into ghostly shapes, are a symbol of Halloween.

  10/31 Double Ninth Festival Lunar September 9  

Also known as the Ascend the Heights Festival or Elder's Day, this day is marked by activities such as climbing hills, appreciating chrysanthemums, inserting dogwood branches, and showing respect to elders. It symbolizes protection from evil, prayers for blessings, and longevity.

10/31 World Thrift Day

10/31 World Cities Day






Lunar October

1st day of the 10th month Cold Clothes Festival
15th day of the 10th month Lower Yuan Festival, Day of Water God Water God






天蠍座(Scorpio) 10/24 - 11/22
射手座(Sagittarius) 11/23 - 12/21




立冬 11/7
小雪 11/22


11/10 World Youth Day

  11/11 Singles’ Day / Double Eleven Shopping Festival  

11/12 Physicians’ Day

This day commemorates Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who was also a physician. Physicians’ Day in Taiwan was established to thank doctors for their contributions to public health and medical care, and to enhance their social status. Related activities are often held to recognize the hard work and dedication of doctors during this period.

11/12 Founding Father’s Birthday Memorial Day

11/12 Cocktail Day

A day to celebrate cocktail culture, with many bars and restaurants offering special cocktails.

11/14 Orange Day & Movie Day

In a dimly lit cinema, watching the movie leads romance to bloom as couples hold hands. On this day, couples can enjoy back-to-back movie sessions, perhaps starting with an action-packed thriller to release stress, followed by a heartwarming romantic film to shed tears together.

11/14 World Diabetes Day

11/17 International Students’ Day / World Students’ Day

11/21 World Television Day

11/21 World Hello Day

  11/27 Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday of November  

Thanksgiving is typically a time for family gatherings and enjoying traditional meals like roast turkey and pumpkin pie. It also marks the day before Black Friday, kicking off the holiday shopping season.

  11/28 Black Friday  

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S., marking the start of the holiday shopping season. Retailers offer significant discounts and promotions to attract shoppers. With the rise of e-commerce, Black Friday deals are no longer limited to physical stores, and many online retailers also offer promotions.






Lunar November






射手座(Sagittarius) 11/23 - 12/21
魔羯座(Capricorn) 12/22 - 1/19




大雪 12/6
冬至 家神、土地公、祖先 12/21


12/1 World AIDS Day

12/2 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

12/3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities International Day of the Disabled

12/5 International Volunteer Day, World Day of Persons with Disabilities

12/7 International Civil Aviation Day

12/7 International Children’s Day of Broadcasting First Sunday in December

Established by UNICEF in 1991, this day encourages media around the world to produce and broadcast programs for children, allowing them to participate in media production and raising awareness about children’s rights.

12/8 Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

The fun aspect of this day involves pretending to be from the past or the future and interacting as a time traveler.

12/9 World Football Day

12/10 International Human Rights Day

  12/12 Double Twelve Shopping Festival  

12/14 Hug Day

The world isn’t perfect, but a loving hug from your partner can make it better. On this day, couples can publicly display their love by hugging, making the cold winter feel warm and cozy!

12/15 International Immunization Day

12/18 International Migrants Day

Raising awareness about global migration issues and promoting the protection of migrant rights.

12/21 International Basketball Day

  12/24 Christmas Eve  

  12/25 Christmas  






Lunar December

8th day of the 12th month Laba Festival
16th day of the 12th month Tail Tooth Festival Earth God
24th day of the 12th month Kitchen God Festival Kitchen God/Deities
Second to last day of the 12th month Little New Year Second to last day of the 12th month
Last day of the 12th month Chinese New Year's Eve, Reunion Dinner Last day of the 12th month Household Gods/Ancestors

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